TMJ Disorder

If you ever experience frequent headaches, aching facial pain, sore jaw muscles, ear aches, your jaw locks or does not move freely, or clicking or popping in your jaw joints, you are likely to be suffering from temporomadibular joint disorder (TMD).

One condition that may lead to this is clenching or grinding your teeth, which is known as bruxism. Bruxism may be caused by stress, an abnormal bite, missing or crooked teeth, medications, or central nervous system disorders. It can lead to insomnia and lethargy, chipped or cracked teeth, worn enamel, loose or sensitive teeth, sore facial muscles and TMD. TMD may also be caused by trauma, arthritic conditions, bite issues and stress.

Most forms of TMD and bruxism can be treated by having the patient wear a bite splint or a night guard. This is a hard acrylic appliance that is custom made to fit your teeth and adjusted so all of your teeth hit evenly and you can grind around freely on a smooth surface.

If this alone does not solve your issues, diet and habit modification, medications, relaxation techniques, physical therapy, Botox, and possibly referral to a specialist may be necessary.

After your symptoms and discomfort are alleviated, it may be necessary to adjust, restore, or orthodontically move your teeth into a new position that allows them to function the way they did on the bite splint.

Contact us today by dialing 954.782.1864 or click here to schedule your appointment today!