Our practice has been established in Pompano Beach for over 50 years.
News From Our Pompano Dentist Office
When a patient calls you on a Saturday and says he swallowed his veneer and he starts a new sales job on Monday and has to have a tooth, I have Cerec to save the day.
When a patient calls you on a Saturday and says he swallowed his veneer and he starts a new sales job on Monday and has to have a tooth, I have Cerec to save the day. Went into the office by myself, prepped, scanned, designed, milled and stained for the patient in a couple of […]
TBT: I came across this case from over 13 years ago, where I did Invisalign and Emax porcelain restorations for this patient.
I wish she would have done one more implant to fill the space on her upper left. It is fun for me to see how my work has improved over the last 10+ years and think of what I could do differently/better now, with newer techniques, skills, and materials. This is before the days of […]
Temporary Implant Bridge
It was wonderful to receive the following email from a patient’s husband regarding the new upper temporary implant bridge we designed and made for her to replace the old one that was aesthetically and functionally a failure. Being able to help people with challenging cases that other dentists would not treat and allow them to […]