- Cosmetic Dentistry
- 3D CT Imaging
- Full Mouth Reconstruction
- Emax and Zirconia All Porcelain Crowns
- Crowns & Bridges
- Cosmetic Bonding
- CEREC Ceramic Restorations
- Porcelain Veneers
- Tooth colored fillings
- Zoom Whitening
- Dentures
- Endodontic
- General Family Dentistry
- Implants
- Invisalign
- Oral Surgery
- Periodontal
- Snoring & Sleep Apnea
- Cosmetic re-contouring and equilibration
- TMJ Disorder
- Sports Dentistry
- Preventative
Tooth Colored Fillings
No longer
are amalgam or silver fillings used but today we use a tooth colored
composite/resin to repair chipped, worn, decayed, broken or stained teeth. It is a conservative and economical procedure
to improve your smile and repair your teeth.
When removing amalgams, we use the Dry Shield isolation system to
minimize you swallowing any of the old filling material. All fillings we perform are done with the
highest quality dental bonding materials and composites, to ensure that your
restorations look great and last as long as possible. We are also certified providers of Bioclear
matrix system technique.